A Delightful Bedtime Story for The Kids

Title: Frank the Angel
By: Jeffrey Roth and Illustrated by: Cara Bevan

Jeffrey Roth brings to life an endearing story of a bright white cockatoo named Frank. Frank was found by a man who happened to buy Frank at a Pet Shop in the Mall. He didn’t know that soon his life, and the lives of others were about to change. Wonderfully illustrated, Frank will capture parents' and children’s hearts in this story of a miracle from Heaven, and dreams that come true! A wonderful adventure awaits readers in this book, Frank the Angel.

Frank is not your ordinary bird! He talks and he also says the most amazing things. He’s a beautiful, blue-eyed cockatoo who seems to have a vocabulary that almost makes him act like a human. Cute little words pop out from Frank as this man brings him home. What happens next will capture your heart and keep readers hoping to hear more from Frank the Angel.

Heartwarming, this story is for little ones to hope to know the power of a miracle. Readers will enjoy and dream from this little book, inspiring them to look up to God for their miracle.  What a segway for a parent to teach them about, the Great Physician, Jesus Christ.

Look for more from this author, as his stories delight readers and inspire those needing hope and comfort. 

A highly recommended read and gift for little ones. A CBM Christian Book Review 10.0+ out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of Frank the Angel at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. You may also order your copy of Frank the Angel at Barnes & Noble. 

A Journey of Faith

Stepping out in faith after hearing from God, Donna Rollyson and her husband, Ed, begin a journey of obedience to the Lord. Fascinating, this true story reveals God’s mighty miracle-working power in having a calling if you believe upon the Lord, Jesus. He can make all things new.

Chronicling a journey from Savannah, Georgie back to West Virginia, overcoming their own dark past from alcoholism and drugs, this couple finds recovery and life in Jesus!

God’s hand of forgiveness and mercy would eventually lead the couple to the revitalizing and planting of a small country church with a food pantry that would feed a small community in West Virginia.

 Feeding People is a wonderful testament to the goodness of God! Ultimately, this book reveals the restoration found in finding purpose in one’s calling. Her life motto could be “God knows and sees, just trust and obey.”

Organizing their journey through a 5-part outline, this book inspires, encourages, and teaches all to trust God when one is called into action upon hearing from the Lord. With such heading chapters as: When God Speaks … Listen, The Dream Team, God’s Calling Upon Our Lives, Help Wanted: The Dream Team is needed in West Virginia, and The Beginning of God’s Magnificence! Each step of the way reveals God’s amazing grace in kindness. She highlights also when plans go array, noting that sometimes our plan is not His plan in order for readers to ponder circumstances in their own lives, giving great insight as to when it might be time to move on. Her encouragement is to be led by the Lord’s Spirit.

Grit and determination encompass this book, as the author reveals that God can do the impossible. This is also a true testament of faith and being made new in Christ, revealing the handiwork of God. She sprinkles her book with scripture that certainly exemplifies her points. Readers will find faith and hope for a new life in the little steps, the big steps, and the diligent seeking of the Lord, leading them to realize their callings and purpose. Birthed from a dream, her new series encompasses the steps of her “Dream Believe Follow” series that reveals how God can work and speak. Readers will also appreciate this book as an honest work that encapsulates God’s loving hand upon willing and obedient hearts!

A highly recommended read for anyone! This book also serves as a reminder to the body of Christ that feeding people and helping the poor is a command from the Lord.

Feed People, (Dream, Believe, Follow)
Donna Rollyson
Christian Book Reviews
10.0+ out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of Feed People at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

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When Unthinkable Clouds Appear


What do you do when the skies in your life turn dark? There are many struggles in this difficult world that can darken our skies. It may be ongoing health issues, depression/anxiety, relationship struggles, financial calamity and so much more.

Andy Laurie, MD, had seemingly the perfect life. He had a successful medical practice. He was starting a second career as a pastor. He was young and healthy. He had a beautiful, loving wife and four small children. His life could not have been better. It was nothing but blue skies. Then, the unthinkable hit. He was struck with a devastating illness. The skies of his once-wonderful life became dark, very dark. 

Dr. Laurie has been battling illness for nearly two decades. He has now courageously shared his story with you. Relying on nearly thirty years of medical practice and over twenty years in the ministry, Dr. Laurie has written prescriptions for you to find hope, strength, contentment, joy, and even victory when the struggles of life have darkened your blue skies.

Christian Futuristic Fiction

The following book in avaialble at Amazon in paperback and in
Kindle as a download.
Get your copy today!

A Dove from Abba, Father God

Abba’s Sanctuary (Book One) by Shirley JoAnn Taylor is a delightful children’s book telling an amazing true story of a daycare in the southeast area of Washington DC that received a special gift in the form of a dove from Abba, Father God

With colorful digital imagery and developed for young children from ages 2 to 5-years-old,  the author as founder of Dard’s Parkland Daycare Center, gives the account of Abba’s Sanctuary that became a safe haven for children and Abba’s creatures alike.

Is Your Perception Your Reality?

Providing solutions and explanation into habits and patterns that develop into adulthood through an unstable home environment lend insight into an approach to holistic healing. These means of holistic healing are through the rebirth process and living a godly life.
The author gives readers the tools to recognize unstable environments and childhood trauma received from insecurity, giving hope to readers with encouragement to seek holistic means of healing of the soul through Jesus, the Bible and the application of Biblical principles.
  • Is Your Past Your Present? 
  • Is Your Perception Your Reality? 
  • Which Comes First – The Chicken or the Egg? 
  • Are You an Emotional Stuffer?
  • Do You Struggle with Control? 
  • Are You a Deceived Believer? & Childhood-Launchpad Into Tomorrow.
Throughout the author sheds light into practical application through scripture verses that offer a clear perspective of the epidemic of dilemma affecting so many people into their adult years. His book combines decades of research, his own childhood trauma coming from an unstable environment, and depicts case studies that further reveal the plight of victims in childhood.  He gives truth to believers that they might not be able to live a victorious life in Christ without certain biblical principles in play. He encourages confrontation of issues related to childhood trauma and perception to challenge.

Presenting information that is without the usual psychological dogma that is difficult to understand, he speaks to readers with compassion. Chapter One begins with encouraging Biblical truths and profound, yet simple, insights that make this a worth-while read to understand a child’s deep need for love, security and self-esteem within a godly environment with parents being living examples of God’s love. Crucial explanation of the basic foundational building blocks that promote a well-rounded adult, the author conversely gives understanding to what happens to children that don’t receive these basics in childhood. His book gives an overview of brain function, mental development, and behavior cycles that come from not receiving the basics in childhood. In essence, both the brain and soul are affected; therefore, both are in need of reprogramming and healing.

At the core of his book is the solution for the soul in holistic healing represented through the rebirth and receiving of the Holy Spirit. Without these two functions, a Christian will not live victoriously. Unveiling the nature of God, our Creator, as a loving Father, and Jesus Christ, His Son, the author presents a guide to walking in the Spirit of God, giving Biblical truth as foundational for becoming whole and free. Yet, he offers truth, and speaks of false doctrine in certain theology that speaks of Christianity as a way to become blessed, prosperous and not suffer. Rather, He speaks of the sanctified soul and the dying to self as a way of daily walking with God.

With hope and dignity, the author gives practical Biblical solutions to bring forth healing for the soul. A CBM Christian Book Review / 10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Order your copy of The Power of Childhood at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

Word Unspoken

Tronell Walker writes her life memoir to encourage all to look to the Lord to find purpose in their own journey of life. Tronell’s childhood started out as any normal kid. 

She was full of life and joy; yet, seeds were sown into her life that created issues, tempted her with sin, coupled with childhood abuse, that led her down the wrong path. 

Her journey is one that speaks of unspoken words, thoughts, intentions and the distractions throughout her life that led to wrong choices and destructive paths. Her book culminates in the fact that God was always watching over her, and eventually, He led her to walk out of the shadows, until she found light in Him. She wants others to know the joys of living a new life in Christ, giving her own testimony as a testament to that.

Describing the high’s, the low’s, the family pressure, her low self-esteem, Tronell grew up in the 70’s in a large family in Destrehan, Louisiana. As time passed, she was like any other kid that had hopes, dreams and talents that were slowly stolen, replaced by a life of sin leading her astray. With such chapters as: The Beginning, Stolen Innocence, Building Blocks, Love Changes Things, Blessings in Disguise, A Mother’s Love, Struggles, Shape Shifter, Rebirth, Purpose, Enjoying the Walk & The Conclusion: Perfectly Flawed, she displays to readers that it’s never too late!

Readers will be able to relate to growing up in this era, along with plenty of humor, respect for love of family and memorable sayings, coupled with words of inspiration, encouragement, Scripture and wisdom that make this a memorable book.

This book comes highly recommended to those searching for purpose and peace and serves as an inspirational book for those (especially single parents), to seek God and live with a purpose. 

You may order your copy of Words Unspoken at Amazon.

Perseverance, Faith, and The Outpouring of God’s Faithfulness.

The true story of one man, Jim Tice and his wife Teresa, who have surrendered all to follow Jesus and preach the Gospel across the nations.  With skill and detail, Wilson takes readers on a journey through Jim and Teresa’s lives displaying a life of preaching the Good News that is strikingly parallel to Paul’s apostolic journeys.  

Due to the nature of this calling and faith-walk, the couple has learned to trust the Lord for all of their provision and protection.  Their story is an amazing adventure of faith and the author, Christine E. Wilson, has captured the essence of Jim and Teresa Tice’s lives as be a beacon of hope and encouragement to all in relating what the Great Commission looks like in today’s modern world. 
  • Title: The Great Commission in Action Today: Volume I: Jim and Teresa Tice ~ Christine E. Wilson
  • ISBN #978-1518816436
  • CBM Book Reviews
  • 10.0 out of 10.0 stars
With intertwining Scripture verses and superb story-telling abilities, their story comes to life in three parts: Act I - Jim’s Story Before Teresa, Act II - Teresa’s Story Before Jim and Act III - Jim and Teresa together. Both have incredible backgrounds and Teresa has endured persecution for her faith.  

The Lord’s power and miracles are revealed that truly show that Christ never changes. He remains the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Readers will be encouraged by their perseverance, faith, and the outpouring of God’s faithfulness.

This book is truly a highly recommended must-read for every Christian.  It is a true-life story of grace, faith and strength through the love of Christ at work, proclaiming God’s faithfulness and the glory of God’s Kingdom to all! 

Using What God Gives Us

The Promises Of God presents Stepping Out of the Pages. The author brings Old and New Testament Bible characters to life through a series of fascinating monologues without compromising Scriptural truths while revealing each character’s thoughts, feelings and perspective, these stories bring understanding, faith and hope to readers. All the monologues are meant to be read individually or within a Bible Study Group. At the end of the book, a Study Guide is presented to bring a deeper study into each storyline. Inevitably, a chapter will bring light and life to your heart!

Read about Miriam’s perspective of watching her mother place baby Moses in the Nile, the author continues with Mary’s plight as the mother of Jesus.  Divided into 7 sections, the author shares insight into some well-known Biblical figures, and some others you may have never head of.  

With such Biblle characters as the prodigal son are shared, continuing into the parable of the Great Banquet, and insights into Mary of Bethany (The Alabaster Box), Mary of Magdala, Jared’s lunch, Pilate’s Wife, Salome, the dinner guests at Emmaus, Elisha and the widow’s oil, the healing of Naaman, the raising of Lazarus, Midnight Praises (the Philippian jail), a miracle in Cana, the woman with the issue of blood, the Schunemite woman, Lot’s wife and much more with stories on Heaven’s bread (the role of bread in the Bible), the wedding garment (being properly dressed for the wedding Banquet). The last chapter ends in an encouraging challenge to use what God gives us. 

Creative and unique, in that the author helps readers identify with these characters of the Bible that will bring insight and revelation into their own circumstances. The Biblical principles are not compromised, which gives a fascinating viewpoint of why these stories were written – they were written for us: to teach, instruct, edify and comfort. The author also has done an excellent job in providing metaphors that relate to our modern life today, bringing these ancient Biblical characters into our every day life, thus revealing a relevancy that stands the test of time and gives readers the truth of God’s Word.

Highly recommended as a book that brings glory and honor to God. 10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Temptation In The Christian Life

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

Chicklit Power Ministries

A Cup of Grace for the Day is the third in the Destination? Joyful! ™ Cup series and inspires any who pick it up to dig into His unfathomable grace with the author Evinda Lepins! This series was born from a blog entitled Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and has been used to launch a ministry: Chicklit Power Ministries, a ministry dedicated to helping others thrive "in" relationships and "out" of hurts, habits and hang-ups! A Cup of Grace for the Day doesn't just talk about grace but literally walks you to and through its beginning and its life in the heart of you! So grab your coffee and join Evinda Lepins for some powerful insights into the gift of grace that's yours today and all your tomorrows.
Learn more about Evinda at Chicklit Power Ministries. You may get your copy of A Cup of Grace: Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble, in NOOK Book and at other fine online bookstores. You may also visit the author at Facebook, at Twitter and at YouTube.

CBM New Book Release sharing Christian authors and books with the world.

Christian Reading - The Christian Codependence Recovery Workbook: From Surviving to Significance (Revised and Updated) by Stephanie Tucker

The Christian Codependence Recovery Workbook: From Surviving to Significance (Revised and Updated) by Stephanie Tucker, MDAAC, RAS, M.Min., in conjunction with, A House that Grace Built, presents healing and wholeness to the body of Christ through a Christ-centered recovery process.  Designed by the author to assist in the recovery process from issues of "codependency," the workbook takes readers on a journey to discovery-giving them tools that reveal the nature of codependency amongst behaviors and patterns that can be created within the lives of individuals, families and within relationships.  The Lord has given the author much insight into the recovery process, enabling families, addicts and individuals to become free from bondage and strongholds that are linked to "survival" without a Christ-centered life.  Once denial has been addressed, the author reveals the issues, further exposing the lies, and transitions to the disclosure of truth, disposes of the dysfunctional strongholds and offers a receiving of His (Jesus Christ's) true healing.  This workbook is nothing short of phenomenal!  One will find a comprehensive workbook to bring a life truly centered in Christ and His freedom.

Within the pages, one will find much emotional healing with such chapters as: Facing Codependence, Family Systems, Emotional Strongholds, Love Systems, Ceasing Control: the Pathway to Surrender, Breaking Free From Denial, Exposing Shame, Receiving the Gift of Forgiveness, Offering the Gift of Forgiveness, Embracing Authentic Identity, Building Healthy Boundaries, and Balancing Principles and Priorities.  With keen biblical insight, the author systematically exposes the dysfunctional dynamics in individuals, addicts and the nature of codependence, while addressing the reality of spiritual warfare.  Further developing a solid scriptural foundation throughout, the author instructs and encourages readers that there is hope to be found in the recovery process.  All of the principles presented are biblical solutions offered with compassion and an open-ended question forum at the end of each chapter.  In doing so, the author gives practical applications to real life situations.

This is a much-needed book within the entire body of Christ.  While salvation is obtained by believing and confessing Christ, entering into the New Life that Christ offers can seem like an impossibility for some, as many are entangled in codependent behaviors derived from a life without Christ.  This book offers the way out of confusion, loneliness, fear and despair through a Christ-centered recovery process to finding freedom!  The author adamantly explains that Jesus is the ultimate Healer through His abundant Grace!  Amen!  Both books are highly recommended and are available to the body of Christ to encounter through individual study sessions or within group settings.  Highly recommended!

You may purchase The Christian Codependence Recovery Workbook at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other fine online bookstores.  You may visit the author and learn more about her ministry at Spirit of Life RecoveryFor information about webinars, recordings, and current class notes be sure to visit the Christian Codependence Recovery Blog.

The Christian Codependence Recovery Workbook: 
From Surviving to Significance Revised and Updated
By: Stephanie Tucker, MDAAC, RAS, M.Min.
Review Date: April 11, 2014
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars 

CBM Book Review helping others find freedom in Christ! 

Children's Books, Christian - The Prayer Shawl: Wrapped in God’s Love by Susan Fitzsimonds

Title: The Prayer Shawl: 
Wrapped in God's Love
By: Susan Fitzsimonds
Review Date: June 18, 2014
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

The Prayer Shawl: Wrapped in God's Love by Susan Fitzsimonds is a wonderfully uplifting book revealing the powerful purpose of the prayer shawl ministry, reminding all of God's love.  As one leaves a legacy and heritage within a family, a prayer shawl has a legacy all its own.  This book reveals the powerful prayer ministry and God's love that is represented within a prayer shawl.  Reminding all, that they too can know God's unending love.

A little girl finds out how grandma knits prayer shawls for others.  She finds out that the prayer shawls are not just an ordinary gift, but that as grandma knits it, she is praying for the person.  Others, also participate in the prayers as the shawl is given to the recipient.  The little girls finds out that she can use this prayer shawl whenever she feels lonely, sad or upset.  She is reminded and taught throughout the book of God's love represented by the scriptures that are included, revealing the truth of God's unfailing love.   

Beautifully illustrated, touching and heart-warming, recommended for young girls as early as 5, this short story will also encourage adults alike, reminding them that God's love and grace is sufficient for all things.  This book is a blessing to little children, teaching them that you can know and trust God.  Highly recommended!    

You may get your copy of The Prayer Shawl at Amazon.  For more information about Susan and her books, visit Hero Books or Susan Fitzsimonds Blog.. You  may find more information about Susan's other book release The Hero In Me also at Amazon.

12 Titanic Lessons for Christians by Charles C. Hagan Jr. presents a powerful, intriguing look into history’s past

A Life Changing Read

Using the 1912 Titanic sinking metaphorically, the author gives insight into the warnings, dangers and signs that ultimately led to the needless loss of over 1,500 lives in the icy Atlantic sea over 100 years ago.  Elaborating the many dangers and pitfalls Christians encounter, the author, uses the example of the Titanic, and keenly offers a parallel scenario in the life of many Christians.  Whether you are a Christian or not, you will find these warning signs and dangers that the Titanic ignored, ring true for all of humanity. Timeless in nature, this book captures the essence of the Titanic's sinking and presents far reaching repercussions into our modern-day life that call for our attention and action.  ----- Our eternity is at stake! 

Fast-paced, well-researched and with valuable Christian values and life lessons, discover how to navigate the waters of life.  Intertwining scripture, the author teaches one to build upon biblical principles versus worldly principles.  Encouraging all to uncover the hidden dangers in life, such as trusting in wealth, and thinking that (you) are unsinkable, the author also gives the opportunity to seek Jesus Christ as your "life raft" in life – presenting time-tested biblical principles that cannot fail. A wonderful, unforgettable read.

12 Titanic Lessons for Christians - present history's most prominent and unforgettable tragedy that makes for an invigorating and memorable read!  CBM Christian Book Marketing

You may get your copy of 12 Titanic Lessons for Christians at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and at Millennium Vision Press

Using Christian Book Marketing to share Christian books with the world.

Shekinah J. King, Christian author releases My Love Story with Jesus: a Memoir of God’s Love and Faithfulness

My Love Story with Jesus: a Memoir of God's Love and Faithfulness by Shekinah J. King captivates readers with a memoir of her personal love story with her Creator and King, Jesus Christ.  Unfolding the rich love He has for all of us, the author proclaims, "He is the Greatest Lover of all Times and He shows me How to Love…" with reverberating enthusiasm to reveal to readers His unfathomable love.  In this book one will find a compilation of love parables, poems and photos that inspire one to intimacy with Jesus Christ.  The author openly shares her heart and the solution she found for all of life's troubles – Jesus Christ. 

Within the pages one will also find an epilogue, evangelistic outreach that shares the Good News of Christ and a question and journaling section for personal spiritual growth.  This book touches the heart of who God is – Love and is for those who want to discover the truth, the way and the life by believing in the One who is Lord of all. My Love Story with Jesus: a Memoir of God's Love and Faithfulness offers all a love story and a living testimony to the grace and unending love that Jesus has for all. "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…" (Revelation 12:11 KJV)
With a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.), Bachelor of Ministry (B.Min.) and a Master of Christian Leadership (MCL), Shekinah J. King, is an author and a writer of psalms.  As a multi-published author, her mission is to lead others into the unfailing love of Christ.  Her books are recommended for inspiration, intimacy, insight, Bible study, prayer, spiritual growth and evangelistic outreach.  Sharing the compassion of the greatest love she has ever found, she wants others to know of God's grace, love and enduring faithfulness.  Her passion runs deep, as she gives her vibrant testimony of the true love she has found in Jesus Christ.  From her wilderness experiences and encounters with the lover of her soul, this book is a captivating, thought-provoking and inspiring memoir.  She encourages all that they have their own story to share, as they come to know the eternal life in King Jesus.    

You may get your copy of My Love Story with Jesus at Amazon. You may visit Shekinah at Shekinah J. KingMy Love Story With Jesus and at Facebook where you will find encouragement and blessing.

Using the power of CBM Christian Book Marketing to share the love of Jesus with the world.

First Hand Experience About Angels and Demons

Title: Revealing the Truth About Angels and Demons
By: Bright Kusinyala
Review Date: May 25, 2014
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Revealing the Truth About Angels and Demons (How God's Angels help us fight and win our battles against Satan) by Bright Kusinyala is a powerful revelation of angels and demons, the spiritual realm around us and the overwhelming victory and protection of the Lord Jesus Christ.  

From first hand experience, the author relates to unbelievers and believers alike the reality of millions of angels and demons working within the world.  Kusinyala continues by unveiling the truth of evil vs. good that is at work within two different kingdoms: the Kingdom of Light and that of darkness.  The author clearly teaches that there is a battle going on for the souls of millions.  God desires salvation, truth and justice; meanwhile, Satan and his demons plan evil, destruction and hatred amongst the inhabitants of the Earth.  With keen insight, the author gives understanding to many that there is only one true protection – the Lord Jesus Christ.  

Fascinating and fast-paced, yet simple to understand the author explains to all how to use your right and authority in Jesus Christ to come up against these demonic hosts and encourages all to tap into the power of the angelic realm for your protection. One will come to understand that there are two realms: the physical realm and the spiritual realm.  With much scriptural foundation, the author exhibits that the spiritual realm has both been created by Jesus Christ, and that He had a plan for both upon creation of these different worlds or realms.  The author goes on to explain one's authority as a believer in Christ Jesus and gives anointed teaching on how to receive this authority, continuing with explanation on the anointing and infilling of the Holy Spirit.  

This is a must read for all believers and non-believers alike.  Reading this book will educate and elevate knowledge, faith and hope, giving one the tools for the battle.  This book is also a highly recommended evangelical tool teaching others that don't understand the reality of these two realms, giving them a firm biblical perspective that offers truth.  A wonderfully, inspiring read!    

Get your copy of Revealing the Truth About Angels and Demons by Bright Kusinyala at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and at other fine online bookstores.

Book reviews by CBM.

Christian Book News - Fellowship Prayer: The Missing Foundation

Fellowship Prayer: The Missing Foundation by Brother Jon encourages and exhorts Christians to put aside their busy lives and get back to worshipping and spending quality time in "fellowship" with the Father.  With Jesus as our example, Brother Jon speaks of how Jesus would get up while it was still dark and spend time with His Father in Heaven.  Fellowship prayer can be spent with God in many ways: in worship, praise, adoration, and communion with God and the Holy Spirit – the author gives many practical insights from a biblical perspective on how to approach your own personal prayer time.  The book exhorts many that are seeking God to simply fellowship with God - highlighting this as the "missing foundation" in our prayer lives.  Truly an amazing, life-changing read!

Notably, the author also poignantly sheds light on Jesus' life, as Jesus often slipped away to pray.  With this premise, we must also spend time in quality relationship with God.  Inspiring and challenging, this book presents an invitation to the reader for a new beginning in their relationship with God.  Rich with Scripture, one will also find that this book is not only encouraging, but will bring change in your thoughts, attitudes and actions producing humility, peace, joy, faith and hope in and with God as you seek Him to becoming doers of the Word.  A highly recommended read for new and mature believers alike.  

Title: Fellowship Prayer: The Missing Foundation
By: Brother Jon
Review Date: May 29, 2014
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You Can Find Freedom In Christ - Set Free by Peggy Yellen

Christian Author Peggy Yellen's Set Free - sharing her born-again experience and spiritual journey through life to the abundant grace and truth of God.  Being "re-born" by the Spirit of God, Peggy Yellen shares scripture and what it means to be truly born-again.  Peggy encourages all to come into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ by presenting to readers the reality of life in Christ.

Her story is remarkable and demonstrates the power of God to see His children through the darkest of times, revealing His unfailing love.  Testifying to the power of God and deliverance from the darkest pit of despair, Set Free is a short, yet encouraging life memoir offering hope to the saved and the unsaved – inspiring all to look to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  This is a must read.

You may order your copy of Set Free by Peggy Yellen at Amazon, at Barnes and Noble.and at other fine online bookstores.

A Young Adult Contemporary Psychological Thriller

Award Winning Multi Published Author Emma Right's Dead Dreams: Book 1.

Filled with the theme of eternity, destiny and finding one's true desires…this read comes highly recommended as Brie's dreams quickly morph into nightmares with dire consequences.  Will Brie continue to throw out common sense and keep her roommate? 

Emma Right takes the reader on many twists and turns throughout this psychological mystery thrill ride, basing this novel on the scripture, "What if a man gains the whole world, but loses his soul?"  Ingeniously and masterfully written, Emma Right, has created a hugely popular series, sure to inspire and encourage young adults to turn from selfish ambition into the loving arms of Jesus Christ, Savior of all.

Emma Right is a happy wife, Christian homeschooler and mother of five living in the Pacific West Coast of the USA. Besides running a busy home, and looking after their five pets, which includes two cats, two bunnies and a long haired dachshund, she also writes stories for her children. When she doesn't have her nose in a book, she is telling her kids to get their little noses in one.  Right worked as a copywriter for two major advertising agencies and won several awards, including the prestigious Clio Award for her ads, before she settled down to have children.

Get your copy of Dead Dreams: Book 1 and other books by Emma Right at Amazon. Dead Dreams: Book 1 is also available in Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble.

Be sure to visit Emma Right at her author's website for tips and ideas about books, homeschooling, bible devotions, and other great ministry. You may follow Emma at her Facebook page

CBM Christian Author Book Blast Releases, sharing Christian authors with the world.