Keep Christ At The Centre

Colossians 1:1-2:7

‘In everything’ Christ is ‘pre-eminent’ (18).

* In Him, there is salvation - ‘redemption, the forgiveness of sins’ (14) - , sanctification - ‘mature in Christ’ (28) - and service - making Him known (27).

Everything is in Christ.

* In Him are ‘all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge’ (2:3) - all that we need for salvation, sanctification and service.

We must go on with Him - ‘Just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him’ (2:6).

How are we to live in Him? - ‘rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness’ (2:7).

Remember all that the Lord has done for you. Give thanks to Him. He has loved you so much. He has done so much for you. Let gratitude be your attitude. Filled with His strength, we will go from strength to strength.

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